Category Archives: FLEX Alumni

Welcome Back FLEX Alumni 2019-2020!

Welcome Back FLEX Alumni 2019-2020!
You spent one year in the USA attending local high school, living in host family, and sharing Turkmen culture on American soil.

We are looking forward to hearing about your adventures, stories, and experiences you encountered during your FLEX year 2019 – 2020. Please contact us at

Welcome to our FLEX Alumni family in Turkmenistan and Good Luck!

American Councils


FLEX Alumni from Turkmenistan take part in “Time Management” seminar

On August 27, a FLEX Alumni Coordinator from Turkmenistan organized an online seminar on Effective Time Management for FLEX alumni and American Councils staff using Google Meet platform. During the seminar, the participants were familiarized with the key elements and strategies of effective time management and discussed tips for achieving academic and career goals. The participants had an opportunity to apply gained knowledge into practice by taking part in mock-exercises, which were organized as a part of learning process. They practiced composing to-do lists, prioritizing and decomposing rules. All participants were actively engaged in the seminar discussion and had an opportunity to share best-practices with others.

FLEX Talk with Diana Volkova ‘15

On June 10th, a FLEX alumna from Turkmenistan, Diana Volkova’15 conducted a FLEX Talk via Zoom sharing her experience of securing scholarships at Top Universities and getting internships at Top companies. During the talk, Diana briefed participants on ways to make college applications more competitive and provide tips on how to conduct a college search online. The alumni were particularly impressed by Diana’s experience interning at Mercedes Company and asked to follow up on the internship application process. One of the alumni noted that Diana has an inspiring educational/professional portfolio despite her young age. At the end of the FLEX Talk, Diana encouraged participants to research and read more about the STEM fields, shared her LinkedIn profile and presentation slides.