Category Archives: Flex

FLEX Finalists Departed to the United States

On August 15, 2023 15 FLEX finalists from Turkmenistan successfully departed to the United States and were welcomed into their host communities. We wish FLEX finalists an amazing exchange experience and can’t wait to meet them at Ashgabat International Airport in June, 2024.

Young Professionals Network project – development of youth potential in Turkmenistan

FLEX alumni Yelena Gareyeva’08 and Yazjemal Nuriyeva’08 launched a long-term project aimed at development of youth potential in Turkmenistan. Professional development workshops and networking opportunities that this social project offers are in high demand among Turkmen youth. The ultimate goal is to unite and grow dedicated community of professionals who are ready to learn, share and thrive together. The project is carried out with the support of the American Councils for International Education and the US Embassy in Turkmenistan. The sessions are conducted at the American Center and advertised on U.S. Embassy social media.

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FLEX Appreciation Day 2022 was celebrated all over Turkmenistan!

FLEX Appreciation Day 2022 was celebrated on the 7th of October in four regions of Turkmenistan. The event involved around 35 alumni of various years and from different regions to gather at ACCELS (Ashgabat), Turkmenabat American Corner, Mary American Corner and Dashoguz American Corner to celebrate the appreciation of FLEX and of the American host community. The celebration in the capital consisted of opening remarks of the US Ambassador Matthew Klimow and of the American Councils Country Director Carrie Miller, of entertaining part – playing bingo, trivia, taking pictures with specially created FLEX Alumni Appreciation frame and signing of FLEX Appreciation Cards. Moreover, food, drinks and the cake with FLEX Alumni logo were offered to the alumni. Other than giving thanks to the program, it was a great networking event during which alumni bonded even more and built professional and personal connections. Warm feelings of being one FLEX family were shared by everyone. And as it is said by FLEXers “Once FLEX is forever FLEX”!