Please join EducationUSA Advising Center and American Councils for International Education to celebrate the worldwide event – the annual International Education Week (see schedule). As IEW boasted with its 18th anniversary this year we will organize a lot of special educational presentations, discussion panels, games and events all targeting one goal – to introduce the higher education in the United States of America!
IEW Schedule IEW FlyerCelebration of the FLEX Program 25th Anniversary
On November 3, American Councils organized a reception for 20 senior FLEX alumni to honor FLEX Program 25th Anniversary at the U.S. Embassy Cultural Affairs Officer’s residence.
Among the guests were the American Councils and U.S. Embassy Representatives. In the beginning of the reception, American Councils Country Director, Toni Tashev delivered a welcoming speech, during which he highlighted the impact the program has had on Turkmenistan and achievements of FLEX alumni.
Sarah Belousov, the U.S. Embassy Cultural Affairs Officer also welcomed the alumni and updated them on resources available at the U.S. Embassy to support alumni activities. A FLEX Program Coordinator, Tatyana Kopytova encouraged alumni to promote a spirit of voluntarism in the country.
Throughout the evening, the alumni played various games ranging from improve games to traditional American board games. Closer to the end of reception, the FLEX Alumni Coordinator conducted a lottery, during which five alumni received memorable gifts. The celebration ended with the cake and words of praise about the impact of FLEX Program on community.
Welcome back to Turkmenistan the 2017-18 Academic Year FLEX participants!
Welcome back to Turkmenistan the 2017-18 Academic Year FLEX participants who spent one year attending an American high school and living in an American family! We look forward to learning about all your adventures, experiences, and exposure to American culture!