Category Archives: News

International Education Week

During the fall 2014 EducationUSA Advising Center and American Councils for International Education celebrated the worldwide event – the annual Education Fair and International Education Week. As IEW boasted with its 15th anniversary that year we organized a lot of special educational presentations, discussion panels, games and events all targeting one goal – to introduce the higher education in the United States of America.

Separately, all presentations and talks that were introduced during IEW can be easily downloaded in the PDF format below:
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FLEX Program for High School Students

FLEX program is a U.S. government-sponsored program for secondary school students. The program provides full scholarship funding for students to travel to the United States, attend a U.S. high school for full academic year, and live with a host family.

Participation in the program is open to all high school students, that meet the eligibility requirements, which include age limitation, good academic standing, possess knowledge of English, Turkmen citizenship, and U.S. visa eligibility requirements.

Final selection takes place in Washington, DC by a committee of experts in international education exchange programs. Students with physical disabilities can also participate in the program.

For more information about the program, please contact American Councils:
Gerogly street 48A, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
T. (993-12) 36-90-16; (993-63) 50-20-36