All posts by ACTM

2021-2022 okuw ýyly üçin FLEX synagy: geçirilmeýändigi barada bildiriş

Häzirki global pandemiýasy bilen baglanyşykly, halkara gatnawlaryna girizilen çäklendirmeler sebäpli, Amerikan Geňeşlikleri 2021-2022-nji amerikan okuw ýyly üçin FLEX synagyny Türkmenistanda geçirmeýär.

2022-2023-nji okuw ýyly üçin FLEX maksatnamasyny 2021-nji ýylyň ahyryna geçirmegi meýilleşdirýär. Synagyň talaplary we täze synagyň tertibi barada maglumatlary we täzelikleri öwrenmek üçin biziň websahypamyzy barlamagy dowam etmegiňizi haýyş edyäris. Goşmaça soraglaryňyz bar bolsa,   arkaly biz bilen habarlaşyp bilersiňiz.

TOEFL and GRE tests scheduled for April 10th, 2021 were cancelled

Dear Visitors,

As a result of the government ban on all international flights, the TOEFL and GRE test materials are not able to arrive in Turkmenistan on time. Thus, the TOEFL and GRE tests scheduled for April 10th, 2021 were cancelled. We are hoping to receive testing materials soon and schedule a MAKE UP tests.

For further information on test dates and possible MAKE UP tests, please check our website regularly.


The Test Center Supervisor

Updates on SAT Subject Tests and SAT with Essay

SAT Subject Tests
The College Board will cease to administer SAT Subject Tests internationally after the June 2021 test administration.

SAT with Essay
The College Board will be discontinuing the Essay portion of the SAT after the May 2021 SAT test administration internationally.

For more information on these updates, please visit the official College Board website:

For any inquiries related to TOEFL and SAT test administration in Turkmenistan, please contact us at