Category Archives: News

Türkmenistandan FLEX uçurymlary “Wagt dolandyryşy” seminaryna gatnaşýarlar

27-nji awgustda, Türkmenistandan FLEX uçurymlarynyň utgaşdyryjysy, Google Meet platformasyny ulanyp, FLEX uçurymlary we Amerikan Geňeşleriniň işgärleri üçin Wagtlaýyn Dolandyryş boýunça onlaýn seminar gurady. Maslahatyň dowamynda gatnaşyjylar wagt dolandyrmagyň esasy elementleri we strategiýalary bilen tanyşdylar we akademiki we karýeradaky maksatlara ýetmek üçin maslahatlary ara alyp maslahatlaşdylar. Gatnaşanlar, okuw prosesiniň bir bölegi hökmünde gurnalan ýaňsylaýjy maşklara gatnaşyp, alnan bilimleri iş ýüzünde ulanmaga mümkinçilik aldylar. Düzgünleri ileri tutmak we dargatmak üçin edilmeli işler sanawyny düzmek bilen meşgullandylar. Gatnaşanlaryň hemmesi seminar ara alyp maslahatlaşmagyna işjeň gatnaşdylar we öňdebaryjy tejribäni beýlekiler bilen paýlaşmaga mümkinçilik aldylar.

Marathon with Top US Universities

Dear high school students, school officials, and parents!

Sign up for a Marathon with Top U.S. Universities with EducationUSA. Fill out one registration form for eight upcoming webinars with Minerva Schools at KGI, Barnard College, Colgate University, Swarthmore College, Washington and Lee University, NYUAD, University of Richmond, College of William and Mary, and the University of Rochester. All these US institutions offer full-ride scholarships to international students. You will learn about selective admissions, funding opportunities, test-optional policies, and the core values of each university.

Marathon with Top US Universities – September 10 – October 22, 2020:

  • Sep 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Minerva School at KGI: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Sep 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Barnard College (all-female): “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Sep 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM: Swarthmore College: “The value of a liberal arts education and navigating admissions”
  • Sep 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Richmond and College of William & Mary: “Admission Process to Highly Selective Schools; Test-Optional Policy; Understanding Financial Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Rochester: “Understanding Fin.Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Washington and Lee: “Admission Process to Highly Selective Schools; Test-Optional Policy; Understanding Financial Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 8, 2020 at 7: 00 PM: NYU Abu Dhabi: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Oct 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Colgate University: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”

Register Now:

Canceling SAT and GRE Subject tests

Dear Visitors,

SAT Subject test is cancelled for the following date:

SAT test materials did not arrive in Turkmenistan. Thus, the SAT test scheduled for August 2020 cancelled. We are hoping to receive testing materials soon and schedule MAKE UP SAT test.
For further information on test dates and possible MAKE UP tests, please check our website regularly.

Thank you,
American Councils Team
Dear Visitors,

GRE Subject test is cancelled for the following dates:

ETS has cancelled the GRE General Paper-delivered format and replaced it with the At-Home Testing version of the GRE General Test. To learn more about At-Home Testing version of GRE please contact ETS at

Thank you,
American Councils Team