Tag Archives: EducationUSA

Üstünlik hekaýasy

Şageldi Öwezow Türkmenistanda geçirilen “EducationUSA” çärelerine ilkinji gezek gatnaşanda, ABŞ-daky mugt kollejler barada öwrenip, diýseň tolgundy. Häzirki wagtda Şageldi Berea kollejinde 3 nji kursyň talyby we informatika we matematika boýunça bakalawr derejesini almak üçin 4 ýyllyk stipendiýasyny aldy.
“Ilkibaşda ABŞ-da köp sanly stipendiýa mümkinçiliklerinden saýlamak maňa kyn düşdi we iň amatly kolleji nädip saýlamalydygyny bilmedim. Türkmenistandaky “EducationUSA” merkezine gatnaşyp, özüm hakda has gowy pikirlenmek, özüm üçin iň gowusyny saýlamak we kollejde üstünlik gazanan dalaşgär bolmak barada gymmatly maglumatlary aldym. Netijede ep-esli wagtymy we pulumy tygşytladym.

Şageldi Berea kollejinde işjeň talyp bolup, uniwersitet kampusynda “Dörediji talyplar klubunyň” bölümini açdy. Dörediji talyplar klublary, uniwersitet okuwçylaryna ýerli meseleleriň tehniki çözgütlerini tapmaga mümkinçilik bermek üçin Google döredijiler tarapyndan dolandyrylýan programma. Häzirki wagtda 20,000 dalaşgäriň arasyndan 150 gatnaşyjynyň biri hökmünde saýlanan “Major League Hacking” -de iş tejribesini geçýär. Praktikant işgär hökmünde Şageldi 6-dan gowrak open-source software taslamasyna goşant goşýar, bu 800,000-den gowrak taslamanyň goşant goşýan programma üpjünçiligine bagly täsirli iş.
Ol: “Şu wagt #EducationUSA sag bolsyn aýdasym gelýär. Meni ABŞ-da okamaga taýyn bolmaga ugrukdyrýan 10 aýlyk intensiw kollej taýýarlyk programmasy bolan Türkmenabat Undergarduate Cohort Advising (UCA) -yň bir bölegi boldum. Programmanyň kömegi bilen, Bereýa çenli syýahat çykdajylarymy ýapýan Opportunity Grantyna eýe boldum. Bilime maýa goýandygy üçin programma örän minnetdar “.

Şageldiň Instagram sahypasyna goşulyň: @shageldi_ovezov

Marathon with Top US Universities

Dear high school students, school officials, and parents!

Sign up for a Marathon with Top U.S. Universities with EducationUSA. Fill out one registration form for eight upcoming webinars with Minerva Schools at KGI, Barnard College, Colgate University, Swarthmore College, Washington and Lee University, NYUAD, University of Richmond, College of William and Mary, and the University of Rochester. All these US institutions offer full-ride scholarships to international students. You will learn about selective admissions, funding opportunities, test-optional policies, and the core values of each university.

Marathon with Top US Universities – September 10 – October 22, 2020:

  • Sep 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Minerva School at KGI: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Sep 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Barnard College (all-female): “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Sep 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM: Swarthmore College: “The value of a liberal arts education and navigating admissions”
  • Sep 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Richmond and College of William & Mary: “Admission Process to Highly Selective Schools; Test-Optional Policy; Understanding Financial Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Rochester: “Understanding Fin.Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM: The University of Washington and Lee: “Admission Process to Highly Selective Schools; Test-Optional Policy; Understanding Financial Aid, Need-blind vs Need-Aware”
  • Oct 8, 2020 at 7: 00 PM: NYU Abu Dhabi: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”
  • Oct 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM: Colgate University: “Selective admissions, funding, core values”

Register Now: https://bit.ly/3br6Glh

U.S. Higher Education Admissions Workshop

Interested to learn about U.S. Higher Educational opportunities? Then join U.S. Higher Education Admissions Workshop, an intensive college preparatory virtual session that will give you an invaluable information on application process and help to become a competitive applicant to the U.S. institutions.

The 8-weeks virtual sessions aim to provide you with a fundamental understanding of the US:

  • Higher Educational System;
  •  Application Requirements;
  •  Financial Aid & Scholarship Search
  •  Standardized Tests Taking Skills;
  •  Academic & College Essay Writing;

Secondary High School Students:

  • completing final grade in May 2021 (11th or 12th grades);
  •  with strong English language level (upper-intermediate & advanced);
  •  whose #1 choice is to study in the US;
  •  with good academic standing;

Participation is free of charge, but requires 100% of attendance, 100% motivation, 100% initiative and a full time-commitment.

Duration: September 4 – October 20, 2020
Format: Virtual (must have a GMAIL email account)
Deadline: August 28, 2020
Results will be announced: September 3, 2020.

Apply Now: https://bit.ly/3iraQf8

Participation is selective. Number of slots is limited.

Still have questions? Contact us at mnuryyeva@educationusa.org