FLEX alumni panel on September 12th 2019

On September 12th, seven FLEX alumni participated in an alumni panel to share their experience in U.S. Alumni discussed their host communities, host families, favorite extracurricular activities and American holiday celebrations. The attendees had a chance to ask questions about the program and how it affected exchange students’ life. The audience noted that each one of the alumni had very different, but equally fascinating experience throughout their stay in America.

There are many more FLEX experience presentations and other events coming up soon in Ashgabat and the regions. For the dates, please see American Center schedule or contact your local American Corner.

FLEX Maksatnamasynyn Uçurumlarynyň “Re-entry” Çäresi

Iýul aýynyň 7-sine FLEX maksatnamasynyň 14 sany ýaş uçurymlary üçin “Re-entry” çäreleri ABŞ-nyň ilçihanasynyň Maglumat we medeniýet bölüminiň Amerikan merkezinde geçirildi. Täze uçurymlary ABŞ-nyň Türkmenistandaky ilçisi Mettýu S. Klimow, Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministrliginiň wekili Mergen Säherow we Bilim ministrliginiň wekili Döwlet Ýazgulyýew garşyladylar. Myhmanlar, täze uçurymlaryň Türkmenistanyň we ABŞ-nyň arasyndaky medeniýet “köprüsi” bolup geljekde hem iki ýurdyň arasyndaky gatnaşyklary berkleşdirjegine ynam bildirdiler.

Soňra FLEX maksatnamasynyň koordinatory, FLEX uçurymlarynyň koordinatory we ýerli wekiller uçurymlara täzeden öz öýüne we durmuşyna uýgunlaşmaga kömek etjek interaktiw okuwlary geçirdiler.

Okuwyň dowamynda uçurymlar ýüze çykan soraglaryna soramaga, ABŞ-daky alan tejribelerini paýlaşmaga mümkinçilik aldylar we uçurymlaryň Türkmenistandaky mümkinçilikleri barada gyzyklandylar. Soňunda uçurymlar ABŞ-daky dostlaryna, kabul eden maşgalalaryna “Minnetdarlyk” kartoçkasyny doldurdylar.

Prep4Success Program Graduation

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Prep4Success program participants and staff celebrated the successful program graduation on June 14, 2019. All 20 students, nine from Level 1 and eleven from Level 2, successfully graduated the program. The event was attended by the U.S. Ambassador Mustard who delivered an inspiring graduation speech. Cultural Affairs Officer Sarah Belousov and Information Officer Margaret Sullivan from the Public Affairs Section took part in the celebration too as both played an active role in supporting the success of the program. All program graduates and mentors received certificates. The graduation ceremony concluded with a fantastic students’ music performance.

Congratulations to all graduates and good luck with pursuing your education!