Category Archives: FLEX Alumni

FLEX Alumni from Turkmenistan Participate in Walking Challenge!

Throughout September 7th to September 20th Yelena Gareyeva’08, FLEX Alumni Coordinator in Turkmenistan has initiated a FLEX Alumni Walking Challenge 2022 devoted to the celebration of the World Clean Up Day. 20 FLEX alumni from 5 regions of Turkmenistan, as well as from abroad took an active part in walking, counting their steps and sharing their successes with Yelena.

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Emotional Well-being Workshop in Turkmenistan

On September 7-10, Yelena Gareyeva’08, FLEX Alumni Coordinator from Turkmenistan has organized an Emotional Well-being Workshop for 13 participants at Turkmenabat American Corner. The workshop included both theory and practice exercises that the organizer acquired during FLEX-Ability Workshop. Topics of pro-active behavior, thinking and speaking; self-awareness, thinking errors, effective listening and relationship building, stress management, distinction of fear, anxiety and panic, panic attacks were covered.

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Celebration of FLEX Appreciation Day 2021 in Turkmenistan!

On September 4th, 2021 FLEX Alumni Coordinator launched a contest for FLEX alumni kids which was dedicated to the celebration of FLEX Appreciation Day. 12 children colored FLEX logo and submitted their creative works. The contest winners were announced at the FLEX Appreciation Day celebration on September 27th, 2021 which was organized virtually.

34 FLEX alumni expressed interest in celebrating the FLEX Appreciation Day by sharing their FLEX stories, expressing gratitude to FLEX program, and networking with each other.  Various games and icebreakers organized by Regional City Representatives made the celebration fun. Kristina Fateyeva’07 commented: “Thank you so much for a great event. I really enjoyed it and thanks to the FLEX program. Once FLEX – forever FLEX”.

The alumni particularly liked Guess the Baby Photo activity during which they guessed alumni that were on a picture. At the end, all alumni participants took part in a lottery with FLEX promotional prizes.